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Our Goal

We have one goal. That goal is to change your life. It’s a big statement.  Sometimes it takes time, sometimes we do it immediately, sometimes we fail, but we always grow and work towards this goal.  We’ve seen clients shed tears of joy, and seen them overcome what...

RSC OnDemand is Live!

We’re proud to announce RSC OnDemand, a platform that offers guided video workouts you can do at home with minimal equipment! The Corona Virus can’t keep us down.  The past few months have certainly made getting into an exercise routine beyond challenging.  Many of us...

RSC OnDemand

Get free access to our library of guided video workouts and training plans.

1. Create Username

2. Finish account setup here. Click “forgot password”. 

3. Navigate to “Watch Video” & enjoy!


Health Club management software


Newington CT Gym


Newington CT Gym

Start Tackling


Reach out to us with your goals, challenges, questions, and we’ll help you get started right with a complementary plan.

9 + 8 =

Our Goal

We have one goal. That goal is to change your life. It’s a big statement.  Sometimes it takes time, sometimes we do it immediately, sometimes we fail, but we always grow and work towards this goal.  We’ve seen clients shed tears of joy, and seen them overcome what...

More Heart Attacks on This Day?

There’s a certain day of the year where there’s 20% more heart attacks than the previous day.  There are also more traffic accidents following this same day.  Any guesses? Luckily, this day shouldn’t be around too much longer, it’s when we spring forward for daylight...

What To Do When You’re In A Rut

One of the most frustrating things is when you feel like you’re doing everything right, but you’re just not getting the results you want.  First, don’t give up.  You’re likely on the cusp of making something really great happen, so keep at it and think of your lack of...

RSC OnDemand is Live!

We’re proud to announce RSC OnDemand, a platform that offers guided video workouts you can do at home with minimal equipment! The Corona Virus can’t keep us down.  The past few months have certainly made getting into an exercise routine beyond challenging.  Many of us...

How To Choose A Gym

You’ve made the commitment to get more fit, now what?  Where do you start?  Choosing the right gym can be intimidating and confusing, so here are some tips to help you choose. Every fitness center has its own unique atmosphere so you’ll need to peruse their online...