
We’re proud to announce RSC OnDemand, a platform that offers guided video workouts you can do at home with minimal equipment!

The Corona Virus can’t keep us down.  The past few months have certainly made getting into an exercise routine beyond challenging.  Many of us are itching to get back into a gym, and some of us, after spending some time indulging in the quarantine movies and desserts lifestyle are realizing we need to figure this thing out and start exercising with what we’ve got!  As a local gym, we’re committed to getting you back into the facility as soon as possible for some face-to-face coaching, access to the best equipment, and to feel part of the community again.  In the meantime, while we’re all concerned with reducing the spread of COVID, we’re trying to give as much virtual exercise support possible.  This will now include access to a library of guided video workouts for free for the next couple of months.

The rollout of this service includes five 25-30 minute guided workouts that are part of a month long program to help you condition your whole body and build endurance, improve muscle tone, lose weight, and build strength.  You’ll only need a kettlebell or dumbbell, a foam roller, and a resistance band (optional). 

We’ll continue to add videos to support this program and build more programs for different goals. Examples of programs we’re considering putting together include:

     -Improving your golf performance at home

     -Building muscle

     -Exercising with your children

     -Improving mobility and reducing pain

What we’re most excited about though, with a big thanks to our service provider (Wellness Living), is the degree of personalization we can maintain with these videos.  The delivery process is very simple, so if you’re working on something specific, have a certain obstacle you want to tackle, or just have questions, you can reach out to us.  The process would look something like this:

  1. You have a specific goal or challenge. For example, you want to run a Tough Mudder next year.
  2. Reach out to us via social, google chat, or email revolutionsportsclub19@gmail.com
  3. We’ll discuss your goals, particular challenges, and gather any other info needed to make a program.
  4. We’ll use a combination of existing guided video workouts and film new workouts in order to put together a program you can follow from home.
  5. You can confidently follow the program, knowing you’re going to improve yourself and have the program right for your goals.

We’re very excited about this offering and hope you are too!  We’re always trying to improve and would love to hear your thoughts.  If you’re interested in using RSC OnDemand, please follow the steps below.


1. Create Username

2. Finish account setup here. Click “forgot password”. 

3. Navigate to “Watch Video” & enjoy!


Health Club management software


Newington CT Gym


Newington CT Gym

If you’re interested in trying a specific program, you can download one of calendars below, assigning certain workouts to certain days to help you hit your specific goals:


Build endurance and lose weight

Build Strength

Improve overall level of strength & conditioning