
You know I’m not crazy! Sometimes you work out so hard and the next day you’re so sore that squatting to the potty takes all your effort.  It’s a little rewarding though (you know it is!), you fought through your workout the day before and now that potty squat is a friendly reminder of all the effort you put into your last workout. You worked hard; you get some rest on that toilet seat!

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, try setting a timer for 1 minute then do as many squats as you can until time is up. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.  This is also a nice workout in a pinch with no equipment, and if you want to do a little experiment, try measuring your blood pressure before and after the squats…I’ll bet you see a noticeable drop (be sure to completely rest after squatting).

When is soreness too much though?  It’s nice to get a little feedback the day after you did something, but if you’re sore for 2 or 3 days, it’s probably worth dialing things back a bit.  Or, if it’s you’re first time training in a couple months or years, you can probably expect soreness for a few days after but that should quickly go away in a week or two.

Happy training, enjoy those sore muscles!

-Coach Rob

 P.S- If you want to learn more about training or book a free training session, simply reach out here